[TransferChain Drive] Ability to Preview Text Files (TXT, DOCX, XLS)
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In 2023, we had introduced the preview feature for image/video/music/PDF files (https://transferchain.canny.io/feature-requests/p/preview-documents-and-images)
With this update, we expect to expand the compatibility with new types, such as TXT, DOCX, XLS
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Hello everyone, so we completed the final 'text' type formats as well (e.g. TXT, DOC, DOCX, ODT, ODP).
Happy previews :)
On a side note, Ian recommended an improvement (double click to preview) which also go live soon
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Ian just circling back in - you may now double click files to preview them easily. Once again thank you for the recommendation!
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Hey everyone, just wanted to give an update, users can now preview XLS and XLSX file formats!
We are now working on TXT and DOCX file formats, I'll bounce back when they are live too.
If possible, please enable double click to preview as it is more intuitive.
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Hey Ian - when we first launched the Preview feature, we initially kept it turned off to prevent any potential misuse. However, now seems like a great time to activate it.
Thank you for your recommendation!
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in progress
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Merged in a post:
Hability to preview or edit some documents
Hability to preview TXT, DOCX, XLS ... files and in the future Edit document files.