[TransferChain Drive] Updates in Notification Bar
Mert Baser
The link has been added to profile dropdowns, but here it is as well: https://blog.transferchain.io/tag/product-updates/
Mert Baser
in progress
Mert Baser
Hi Micky, are you referring to a list of Version Updates and the new features we publish?
Mert Baser: Yes.The user's could see instantly all the last new features added, new tips, new options wihout the need to leave the app.
Mert Baser
Micky: Thank you for the idea, we were planning to launch a monthly dev update for a while, but with your idea we decided to prioritize this.
We'll be launching our monthly dev updates through our blog & social media channels starting from next week, we'll also add a shortcut to the user profile menu.
Thank you for the idea once again! :)
Mert Baser: Very Great! Thank you!